part one of this tbd series deals with starting a brand new install from scratch on pantheon, or migrating an existing site (local or remote) onto patheon. but first:
a brief foray into pantheon terminology
pantheon has three main ways of categorizing your wordpress build. two make sense.
code: your entire file structure of your wordpress directory. basically everything except the database. oh, and, somewhat inexplicably, without the uploads* folder. you’ll need it, but i’ll get to that.
*located at wp-content/uploads
database: er, yeah, the database, in the form of an SQL dump.
files: here’s where it gets a little weird. for reasons that my cursory googling could only partially figure out (storage, size reasons), pantheon keeps everything normally in an uploads folder in a separate root directory called “files”. so that’s a thing.
Continue reading and wordpress: starting, migrating, or importing a site